Sunday, August 10, 2008

I took the best nap today. I rarely am able to nap, but I fell asleep wonderfully. The fan was lightly blowing, the covers up to my chin, just perfect. Then I woke up to this, meowing in my face. Kitty girl was hungry!
I also woke up with a numb hand because I rolled over on it. That is surely a sign of a good afternoons rest!


willam said...

naps are the best. except when you have contacts. you have to pointedly make the decision that your eyes will be dry the rest of the day unless you peel em out your eye before your nap. And that's the kinda thing that ruins that pure spontaneity of a truly blissful nap.
nap on girl.

Anonymous said...

Damn, pootie has gotten fat since this picture was taken! I suppose now she is just pleasantly plump!